What is Sin?


Everyone is a sinner and everyone needs to understand what the sin is. How can we know if we are sinning if we don’t understand the very definition of sinning?

According to the Bible “sin is the transgression of the law” (1 John 3:4)
John, as well as other apostles and all the Bible characters from the Old and New Testament who loved God don’t speak about some law. Just the word “law” is mistranslated into our bible versions. Every time when you see the word “law” we should read it as the word “Torah”. YHVH gave only one “law/Torah” for all. There was no distinction of the law between Israelites and gentiles. Those gentiles who wanted to believe in YHVH had to accept His Torah:
“The same law (“Torah” in Hebraic translation) applies to the native-born and to the alien (aka stranger/guest etc.) living among you.” Exodus 12:49
John wasn’t speaking about some different law. Yeshua also didn’t create a new law, and He was all about the Torah as well as not breaking it, and that’s why Yeshua was and is a perfect lamb without blemish.

On the side note, since we believe that Yeshua was with YHVH at the beginning of all, that means that He was there as well when YHVH gave the Torah to chosen nation of Israel and strangers living in their midst. If Yeshua would come to abolish the Torah or being against it, this would be against YHVH and in the same time Yeshua would contradict Himself. Being against any of YHVH’s teachings would disqualify Yeshua of being the messiah and our Saviour.
Let us also remember what Yeshua said: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” Matthew 5:17
To fulfill something is not to destroy it. One of the translations of the Greek word “pleroo” which in our bibles is translated “to fulfill” is also translated to “fully preach”. Yeshua came to fully preach the law/Torah and not abolish it and forget about it.

Let’s go back to the question then… What is the sin? The sin is breaking YHVH Torah.
To know if we sin, we have to understand the rules and guidelines within the law itself. Just as each country has their own law and we need to follow it, the same goes towards YHVH law/Torah.
And NO… following the Torah or obeying the law is NOT, I repeat IS NOT a salvation issue. Yeshua payed the price for our sins and He is our advocate when we pray for forgiveness of our sins as well as He will be there when we will stand at the judgement day a front of YHVH, the Judge of all and everything.
Yeshua’s grace for us DOES NOT allow for us to freely transgress the law/Torah. We still have to follow the law/Torah of YHVH not because we need to be save, but because to love Him is to obey His Torah:
“If you love me keep my commandments.” John 14:15
“This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands” (1 John 5:2–3)

I pray that wisdom will come to all of our hearts to understand our bibles better each day.

I also pray that when the temptation to break His law/Torah will come, we will remember that to love our God YHVH, we have to follow His instructions He gave us for a good, joyful and amazing life we are living.

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