Satanism in public schools – Florida, USA

If you live in Florida and happen to allow your children go to public schools you have to get ready.
A new/old religion is coming to the classes – Satanism!  Yes, you read it correctly.
It recently became legal to teach about Satanism in schools and there is nothing that you can do about it.

This is the cover and some pages of the booklet that will be handout to your children.

And these are a few statements from The Satanic Temple’s spokesperson, Lucien Greaves.

“[The organization] would never seek to establish a precedent of disseminating our religious materials in public schools because we believe our constitutional values are better served by respecting a strong separation of Church and State.”

“However, if a public school board is going to allow religious pamphlets and full Bibles to be distributed to students — as is the case in Orange County, Florida — we think the responsible thing to do is to ensure that these students are given access to a variety of differing religious opinions, as opposed to standing idly by while one religious voice dominates the discourse and delivers propaganda to youth.”

Also she states:

“I am quite certain that all of the children in these Florida schools are already aware of the Christian religion and its Bible, and this might be the first exposure these children have to the actual practice of Satanism. We think many students will be very curious to see what we offer.”

I hope you all realize what is happening right now. Not only is Christianity almost banned from public schools, but now the “new” religion is just around the corner and I can bet that it will be welcomed by many children.

Let God help us all.


For those who are believers in Jesus Christ (Yeshua Hamashiac – in Hebrew) it should be obvious that this kind of an idea would come to the world. Yeshua and many prophets talked about it thousands of years ago in their speech or their writings. 

The Church of Satan will give people another reason to walk away from the statues of God and God Himself. It’s another religion that people will fight for. It’s another form of confusion that people will accept as normal. 

I’m not in any fear anymore of these kinds of “new age ideas” because there has been too much proof throughout history that God always prevails. 

When many people asks me: “Why do you believe in the Bible? How you can prove its truthful?” the answer is very simple… Because it does tell the whole truth. The Bible is the only source that has more historical proof than ANY other book in the world ever written. It would be impossible to write a fiction book about the thousands of the events that have happened or will ever happen throughout history and later tell by our “smart scholars” that it was all made up, when in reality it holds true and they see the evidence in front of their eyes. Hundreds of archeologists have discovered lots of historical sites because they followed the Bible’s “directions”. 

Isn’t it interesting that people today never get into any trouble quoting Buddhism, Witchcrafts, Indians, Egyptian gods, Persian gods, Odin and many more, but as soon as word Jesus or Bible is spoken, everyone literally hates you and tells you to be quiet? 
As the Bible holds the truth that means that we need to get ready for more to come as God tells us at the end of the book. We need to get ready to go through the tribulation. The whole world will be against God and His people, spreading the word of antichrist. That is what was written thousands of years ago and it’s becoming the truth every single day of our lives. 

On positive side, the end of the Book also says that God and His people will win this war against evil, so do not worry and keep up the prayer. 

And let me finish with Yeshua’s words to all of the believers:

“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.” (John 15:18)

4 thoughts on “Satanism in public schools – Florida, USA

  1. What kind of church do you go to? I am having trouble finding one that teaches things like this and have been learning about it myself. I want o be in a church that is trying to learn these kinds of things and do something about it.


    1. I actually don’t attend to any mainstream Christian church. I used to, but just like you, I start my own research and I couldn’t listen anymore preachers who are indoctrinated with things like dispensationalism or celebrating pagan feasts like Christmas and Easter but not acknowledging the Passover and feasts of YHVH like First Fruits, Feats of trumpets and many more. These are actually bringing more evidence and spiritual agreements and they all are about Yeshua (Jesus).
      Me and believers alike meet together as an assembly/family in a building that we all rent. There’s no money for anyone for preaching or tithing (research tithing because unfortunately it’s also taken out of the context), and we all sit at the round table and talk about scriptures and what we learned the last week. We do have an elder who is in charge and we follow torah portion readings that we study deeply every sabbath (Saturday).
      We are a small but mighty group of friends that help each other out whenever one need help not just spiritually but financially as well. The closest description of our group would be called Messianic or Hebrew Roots, but even these labels got compromised by some weird teaching that we don’t agree with. Some of the Hebrew Roots Movements reject Yeshua and go back to only Torah, whole others reject Paul’s teachings. It’s a mess!
      If I were you I would start with “119 Ministries”. You can find them on YouTube and they are the closest to what I personally agree.
      Also there’s this amazing 900 pages book that explains what, when, why christian doctrine changed throughout the centuries –
      Hope this help and I pray you’ll find the way. You already researching and probably your spirit is ready to study more by what I read. My advice… DON’T share this with your family yet. It causes a lot of struggle and pain and misunderstandings. Study on your own for a while and even though you might want to tell the whole world how everything is corrupted, those who are not ready to hear it, won’t ever listen.
      Shalom brother and blessings.


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